Originally published at: https://wheelive.com/2021/01/28/tesla-and-other-automakers-are-planning-to-licensing-its-self-driving-software/
Tesla and other automakers are planning to licensing its self-driving software based on what Elon Musk stated
Tesla had preliminary conversations with different automakers about licensing its self-driving programming, as indicated by new remarks by CEO Elon Musk.
Today, Tesla released its Q4 2020 financial results and following the announcement, the automaker held its typical conference call with the board. During the call, CEO Elon Musk was asked about Tesla possibly licensing some of its software, particularly Autopilot and Autobidder, to different companies.
With regards to Autopilot, Musk has been hesitant to the thought – refering to that it would be a great deal of work to adapt the system to different vehicles.
Musk at that point added Tesla would be available to doing that later on, however that he would like for Tesla to demonstrate a make way to full self-driving capacity prior to licensing the software.
He didn’t unveil which different automakers Tesla has been conversing with about utilizing Autopilot in their vehicles.
With regards to Autobidder, an AI-based platform used to better and all the more straightforwardly adapt energy stockpiling resources, similar to Tesla’s Powerpacks, Powerwalls, and new Megapacks, the CEO likewise said that the company is available to sharing the product.
The software is now utilized for battery systems claimed by different companies.
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